
Hello! My name is Olivia. I’m a 14-year-old animal lover. I especially love everything that has to do with birds.

My favourite bird is the hummingbird. I’m actually a bit obsessed with hummingbirds. We love to keep hummingbird feeders around our place (including one on our deck) during spring and summer.

Some other things about me:

  • I live in beautiful Prince Edward Island. It’s the smallest province in Canada!
  • I LOVE to read. My favourite books include: “American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America”, “The Big Book of Peanuts”, video game books, fact books, and many more! I also love to read books and magazines about birds.
  • I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism (Asperger’s Syndrome) at the age of 10.
  • I love to swim. Lucky that I live close to beaches!
  • I love to travel but haven’t done a lot of it yet.
  • I enjoy playing video games.
  • I love indoor rock climbing, swinging, paddleboarding, and rebounding/jumping on a trampoline.
  • I love Lego.
  • More recently I’ve been learning about Dungeons & Dragons, and working on video editing, animation, and a little game design.