Hope for Wildlife centre across the lake/bay
Birds,  Mammals

Our Trip to Hope for Wildlife

This summer we visited the Hope for Wildlife animal rescue and rehabilitation centre in Nova Scotia. Many of you might know about it from the “Hope for Wildlife” show. That’s how we found out about the centre, and since it’s only 3 hours away from our home, we decided to visit the place.

Hope for Wildlife sign.

Beautiful view from Hope for Wildlife
Beautiful view from Hope for Wildlife.
Red building at Hope for Wildlife where they keep baby racoons
Red building at the centre where they keep baby racoons.

The Founder of Hope for Wildlife

The centre was started by Hope Swinimer, a woman who is passionate about caring for the province’s wild creatures. She wanted to save injured and orphaned animals and also to help people learn to love and care about wildlife. In her words, she wanted to help “heal the human spirit.” You can learn more about Hope Swinimer and her work by reading the “About” page on the Hope for Wildlife website.

Unfortunately, we were unable to meet Hope this time, but that didn’t surprise us since we know she’s a very busy person. Maybe next time!

The Animals at Hope for Wildlife

Some of the animals we saw at the centre included sugar gliders, a turkey, chinchillas, turtles, snakes, a crow, baby raccoons, owls, a fox, a dove, a starling, and porcupines. It made me happy that animals are being saved and released again into the wild.

Hope for Wildlife turkey. He was free to walk around the place.
Chinchilla at Hope for Wildlife.
A chinchilla.
One-eyed owl at Hope for Wildlife
One-eyed owl.
"I found a baby bird, what do I do?" poster at Hope for Wildlife.
We saw several posters like this one with great information.

I noticed that volunteers are very important in running the centre. Some day I would love to be a volunteer at an animal rescue centre like Hope for Wildlife.

Girl inside the "Photo Op" cage at Hope for Wildlife.
Me inside the “Photo Op” cage.
Lookout tower at Hope for Wildlife.
Lookout tower at Hope for Wildlife.


  • Cheryl

    Enjoyed your blog about your trip to “Hope for Wildlife”. Your pictures help to tell about your adventure. Good job!! Maybe some day you will be working at an animal rescue centre. Because you love and respect animals, this would be a fun and very rewarding experience.

  • Erik

    I really like your website. I hope you get more material for your site. There seem to be many different bird sounds in the part of PEI where I live.

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