Hummingbird at the feeder

The Hummingbirds Are Here!

After a very long wait, we were finally able to see a hummingbird at one of our deck feeders yesterday.

It was a male ruby-throated hummingbird that we had seen again this morning. He seems to prefer the pretty red glass feeder.

We didn’t get a picture of the ruby-throated hummingbird, but below is a stock photo of one in case you’ve never seen one.

Ruby-throated hummingbird
Ruby-throated hummingbird. Image by Mickey Estes from Pixabay.

Ruby-throated hummingbird facts

  • Length: 2.8-3.5 inches (7-9 centimetres)
  • Weight: 0.1-0.2 ounces (2-6 grams)
  • Colour pattern: Ruby-throated hummingbirds are “bright emerald or golden-green on the back and crown, with gray-white underparts. Males have a brilliant iridescent red throat that looks dark when it’s not in good light.” (1)
  • Beats its wings about 53 times/second.
  • Because of its short legs, the ruby-throated hummingbird is not able to walk or hop.
  • The ruby-throated hummingbird likes to feed on red or orange flowers.
  • North America’s only breeding hummingbird.



  • Julie

    I love hummingbirds! They were my mother’s favourite bird, too. She was also obssessed with them, just as you are! They are so beautiful and delicate looking, and yet so fierce and feisty! I am enjoying reading all the facts and information about the birds and animals you see in your yard.

  • Cheryl (Grandma)

    Love reading your blog, Olivia. Exciting that the hummingbirds are back . I haven’t seen any here yet? Too cold and no blossoms. Have you seen any female hummingbirds yet?
    I was wondering if that was Stripe in the picture in a former entry.

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